Hulk Hogan married Sky Daily in an intimate Florida wedding ceremony

TF News

By Ashik Khan

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Hulk Hogan is once again a married man as he is newly married

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WWE Icon tied the knot on Friday in a relatively small ceremony in Clearwater, FL

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Their marriage ceremony was attended by only family members and it was not their intimate relationship but a spiritual one

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However, it turns out that Hulk and Sky are stuck at the Indian Baptist Church instead of going to their place of worship.

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Their wedding was officiated by Pastor Aaron Filippone

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Their photos show them dressed to the nines for the special day But Sky Daily in particular was dressed like this

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In the pictures, she can be seen wearing 18kt white gold earrings and surrounded by her carat of diamonds

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Even her bracelets and necklace pendants were made of the same white gold material and were encrusted with glittering diamonds.

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